
7 Tricks to Have Healthy & Clear Skin

Pimples and breakouts are never fun for anyone, fortunately there are several things you can do to improve your skin’s health thereby bettering your skin’s appearance. Generally speaking, what you put on your skin, into your body and how well you take care of yourself all contribute to your skin’s health and appearance. Below is a list of seven ways you can better your skin.

1. Green Tea

If you have red or blotchy skin, drinking green tea can help reduce symptoms because of its soothing anti-inflammatory properties. Iced green tea is best, instead of hot tea, because the heat can worsen symptoms.

Green tea may help your skin in the long run too. Green tea contains epigallocatechin gallate which, according to some experts, may help prevent the destruction of collagen that leads to wrinkles from sun damage to DNA in the skin.

In addition, tea is good for your skin because it keeps you hydrated. Drinking water is another way to stay hydrated and ensure that your skin won’t dry out, become tight or flaky.

2. Manage Stress

Stress has an impact on your whole body, including your skin. In fact, when under stress, it is more likely that you’ll experience a break out on your skin because your body is releasing more hormones which leads to oilier skin and a decrease in your body’s ability to fight off bacteria that causes acne.

To manage stress, there are a number of things you can do, everyone is different which will determine your preferences. Examples of activities that are good for destressing are yoga, meditation and deep breathing.

3. Dairy, Coffee and Alcohol Intake

Studies have shown that milk intake is related to acne and severe breakouts, particularly skim milk. The reason why is not fully understood, although, it may be attributable to the natural hormones present in dairy.

Reducing dairy intake won’t fix acne issues on its own, however, it will help those who are prone to serious breakouts. Be sure to get your calcium from other sources if you cease to consume dairy products.

Other beverages to avoid are coffee and alcohol because they dehydrate your body and skin. Limit both of these beverages to two servings per day.

4. Sleep

While you’re asleep, your skin’s repair mechanisms go into full action. Without seven to eight hours of sleep a day, your skin can’t fully repair itself leading to breakouts and unclear skin.

Also, by being sleep deprived, you’re putting stress on your body which causes adrenaline and cortisol to be released. These hormones can cause breakouts and other skin problems.

5. Water-Based Hair Products

Certain hair products, especially conditioners, contain oils or waxes that can cause your pores to become clogged leading to acne. Usually, acne caused by hair products is prevalent on the forehead, back and hairline.

To avoid developing acne from hair products, look for water-based formulas. Steer clear of products that contain mineral oil, beeswax or microcrystalline wax.

6. Use Sunscreen Everyday

Skin issues are commonly a result of sun damage, the sun degrades our skin’s collagen and elastin which debilitates our body’s ability to create healthy, new cells.

The sun can creep up on you, even on winter and cloudy days. You should apply sunscreen everyday to avoid damage from the sun. Luckily, there are many fantastic moisturizers with sunscreen in them available on the market.

7. Change Pillowcases

Since you spend every night with your face and hair on your pillow, dirt and oil collect on your pillowcase over time. To prevent the built up grime interfering with your skin, change and wash your pillowcases at least once a week, if not more.
